OM Series Chemical Flow Meter | 1" (10 L/min - 150 L/min)
The FLOMEC® OM025 Chemical Flow Meters are an exceptionally cost-effective alternative to a stainless-steel meter when chemical resistance is critical but pressures and temperatures are low.
As a result of the internal components being constructed entirely from PPS (Ryton) and alumina ceramic, the OM025P Chemical Flow Meter is well suited to the precise measurement of a wide range of aggressive or corrosive chemicals where standard engineering metals are not suitable.
The OM025P Chemical Flow Meter is well suited to almost any chemical liquid transfer or dispensing application, whether pumped or gravity-fed. Simple yet proven positive displacement technology means no flow conditioning is required (straight pipe runs), making the OM Series flow meters suitable for compact installations.
Please see our Chemical Compatibility Guide for more information.
The OM Series Chemical Flow Meter is versatile enough to have multiple output options, including: